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Our Languages Curriculum

Learning another language provides an opening to other cultures, and at St. Paul’s, we want to equip our children with the knowledge and skills to be able to study and work in other countries. With such a diverse culture at our school, we celebrate children’s abilities to speak multiple languages.

We begin teaching Spanish, the second most popular language spoken throughout the world, in Year 2. Our languages curriculum provides children with the opportunity to:

  • Understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources
  • Speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation
  • Write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt
  • discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in the language studied

Curriculum Overview Spanish

  Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Autumn 1   Numbers to 10. What’s your name? Learn school instructions. Numbers to 30. Learning months of the year. Ask when is someone’s birthday and say when your birthday is. Numbers to 50. Learning to write sentences with ‘a’, colours, numbers and animals. Learning the same with use of ‘the’. Numbers to 100. Recap of which ‘a’ and ‘the’ to use. And writing sentences with a number, colour and animal. Consolidation of all previous learning. Introduction of verbs, using verbs to form sentences. Use of adjectives to extend sentences.
Autumn 2   Learning about emotions. How are you? Spanish Flag and facts about Spain. Body parts and games. When to use the correct ‘a’ before a noun. Learning about additional body parts. Learning additional animals. Using these in sentences. Write about family members. Beginning to use adjectives. Consolidation of all previous learning. Introduction of verbs, using verbs to form sentences. Use of adjectives to extend sentences.
Spring 1   Christmas in Spain. Numbers to 20. Spanish Maths Colours   Christmas in Spain. Numbers to 40. Colours Spain on the map Christmas in Spain. Family members – your family tree. Production of olive oil in Spain. Christmas in Spain. Describe animals and fruit using adjectives. Consolidation of all previous learning. Introduction of verbs, using verbs to form sentences. Use of adjectives to extend sentences.
Spring 2   Use colours with a noun. Practise using colours with a noun. Learning about fruit Learning which ‘the’ to use for singular and plural nouns. What happens to ‘the’ and colours when talking about a noun in its plural form. Consolidation of all previous learning. Introduction of verbs, using verbs to form sentences. Use of adjectives to extend sentences.
Summer 1   School equipment -What’s in your pencil case? Learn the types of ‘the’. How to use the correct ‘the’ before a noun. What’s the weather like today? Types of weather. Talk about your family and how many of each member. Consolidation of previous learning and review. Consolidation of all previous learning. Introduction of verbs, using verbs to form sentences. Use of adjectives to extend sentences.
Summer 2   Learn the 2 types of ‘a’ and when to use them. Write a conversation. Farm animals and how to use them in a sentence. What day is it today? Days of the week Consolidation of Year 4 learning and review. Translating sentences. Beginning to use verbs. Consolidation of all previous learning. Introduction of verbs, using verbs to form sentences. Use of adjectives to extend sentences.