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St. Paul's CE Primary School

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At St. Paul’s, we use Power Maths as a basis of our maths curriculum. Power Maths adopts a mastery approach, and is based upon the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. Every lesson is divided into sections that involve plenty of discovery, sharing, collaboration, practice and reflection. Children are encouraged to solve problems each day through the use of concrete resources, pictorial representations and abstract thinking. 

Mastering Number

In Reception and KS1, children also use Mastering Number to develop fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. In 2023/24, St. Paul's will also begin Mastering Number KS2 with Years 4 & 5. This project will enable children to develop fluency in multiplication and division facts, alongside developing good number sense. 

Same Day Intervention

Same day intervention is used across the school and aims to ensure that no child is left behind, building an ethos that all can achieve. 

Lessons are structured to enable teachers to check for understanding and address misconceptions at the point of learning, providing immediate intervention where required. 

Maths Overviews

Please click the links below for the yearly and termly overviews for each year group. Please find below our calculation policies, linked to the Power Maths scheme.

Reception Overviews >Year 1 Overviews >

Year 2 Overviews >

Year 3 Overviews >Year 4 Overviews >

Year 5 Overviews >

Year 6 Overviews >

Calculations Policies

Reception Calculations Policy 

KS1 Calculations Policy 

LKS2 Calculations Policy

UKS2 Calculations Policy