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St. Paul's CE Primary School

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The Nook & The Nest

‘If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.’   Ignacio Estrada

 St. Paul’s strives to ensure all pupils receive a curriculum which is best suited to an individual's needs. In September 2021, we set up 'The Nook', to enable some of our pupils to access learning within a safe, happy and regulating learning environment. The learning which takes place within The Nook focuses on the academic, therapeutic and life skills curriculum. 

In September 2024, we then set up ‘The Nest’, for some of our Reception children who required tailored support to ensure their successful integration and development within the school environment. By creating these spaces, we can offer specialised resources and targeted interventions that are essential for addressing their individual learning profiles. This approach not only fosters an inclusive atmosphere but also enables us to closely monitor their progress and adapt our strategies as needed, ultimately promoting their social, emotional, and academic growth.


The children have access to a highly specialised learning environment specifically designed to meet the needs of students whose individual needs impact considerably on their communication and learning needs. 


In the Nook and The Nest, the children have a range of different needs and have unique ways of learning. Different learning needs require different teaching approaches, which often change over time. As a school, we actively research new methods and work alongside outside agencies to impact learning and progress for all our pupils, absorbing these into current practice to enhance provision. We adopt a blended approach of an Informal, semi-formal and Formal Equals Curriculum, which progressively prepares children to access the National Curriculum to ensure that: “All children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that they: achieve their best and become confident individuals living fulfilling lives.” (SEND Code of Practice).

At St Paul’s, we provide the children with a personalised curriculum which places the learners’ needs and starting points at the heart of provision and planning. It is based on outcomes we want the children to achieve at each key stage of their learning journey. This approach ensures all children make the progress they deserve. For every child, regardless of age or ability, we seek to support them to become as independent as possible in all aspects of life and learning. Our academic curriculum is based around structured learning. Structured learning provides stability, predictability, and security. For children who access The Nook and The Nest, these are crucial elements to ensuring that our children are ready and able to learn. The way in which a child’s day is structured and organised depends on their individual needs and we provide a blended curriculum approach to ensure that children engage with learning at their bespoke level, and access their year group curriculum and social times, where appropriate.  Movement and sensory breaks happen throughout the school day. We believe that exercise is a key factor in increased attention and concentration and contributes to the child’s health and well-being, strengthening their executive function.